Research that is as easy as online shopping. Use search filters to find better results in D’YouSearch!

D’YouSearch is a huge database containing millions of full text articles from thousands of journals, newspapers, books and more. It finds information from across disciplines from a single search box. Finding a lot of information is not hard, much like Google. Sorting through results can be intimidating and time consuming.

D’YouSearch has several search filters that can help you find that perfect article in just a couple of clicks though.

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Where Do I Start my Research?

With over 80 databases, it can sometimes be hard to find the best place to start your research at the D’Youville Library. Spartan Search takes some of the time and frustration out of this process. Use the steps outlined in this simple infographic to get off to a great start.

How to easily locate subject specfic databases for more targeted searching.

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