Find scholarly articles with this one simple click!

Do you need to find quality research articles fast?

Searching Google might bring up millions of hits in seconds, but sorting through the results and figuring out which come from scholarly sources takes time.

Google Scholar can help narrow down your results to publications, but not every result is available for free and some are from journals that are not peer reviewed.

Save yourself time and aggravation by using D’YouSearch. This research tool from the D’Youville Library can help you narrow search results to peer reviewed journal articles with the click of a button.

Similar to Google in scope and usability, this database contains over 3.7 billion records from 11,000 publishers. It searches across disciplines and library databases for comprehensive results.

It is as easy as entering your keywords and then selecting the “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) option from the filters column to the left of the search results. This will restrict to search results to only show those that come from peer reviewed journals, ensuring that you get the highest quality academic material.

Visit our Youtube channel to see just how easy it is to find high quality scholarly publications.

One click for peer reviewed journal articles! A simple solution for higher quality information. Contact the library for additional information or help with your research.

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